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SPOILER Answers for Animal Crossing Puzzle 3



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cw3 answers


  • 1: Sneezing in Bergerac. Cyrano’s catchphrase is ah choo, and Cyrano was named after Cyrano Bergerac
  • 2: A bug we can step on. This is a reference to the Ladybug Rug, the only rug that is modelled after an insect.
  • 3: A bug all over the wall. There is only one wallpaper featuring insects, the butterflies wall (butterfly).
  • 4: A bug made of money. This is a reference to the Bell Cricket.
  • 5: A Swedish souvenir. Souvenir is a reference to Gulliver’s gifts. The one from Sweden is the Dalecarlian horse, or Dala horse for short.
  • 6: The lady with a nose-drip carries this. Daisy Mae has a nose-drip and carries turnips.
  • 7: A left side and a right side. The Megalo fossil comprises a Left Side and Right Side.